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SDF MUSIC has been set up buy unsiged producers and DJs from all over the world with the intention of helping artists break in to and get noticed in the industry, We also give the opportunity to the public to listen to new, fresh, upfront music. We are also promoting dance music to the Film and TV industry as well as putting together compilation CDs of the best music on this site and sending them to large and indiperndent record companies to enable them to hear the quality of artists we promote.

This site is also designed to help promote your MP3 page thus helping your Payback for Playback money

We have contacts through out the dance music industry including high profile DJs and professional dance music producers that have been in the industry for years, all these people are behind us and are willing to to help us in any way there can (Three tracks from this site were played in the Dance Tent at Glastonbury festival last year).

Already we have had success from the site with our premier semi-professional artist "Breach the Peace" he has been featured on television programms and large corporate web sites a direct result of being on SDF MUSIC. Another success is BAR1 also featuring on TV, having a music video made for him.

We do not feature every artist that applies to us we only select the best of the best so if you are a producer or know somone that you think would benifit from our help then contact our A&R Department All we ask from you is that you place a link from your mp3 site to SDF MUSIC,

If you are looking for music for any tyoe of use please feel free to contact any of the artists direct or Email us and we will pass on you request to the relivant person.

We would appreciate any feedback from the site or any constructive critisisum to help improve this site.





Send mail to sdf_music@hotmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: September 07, 2000