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 SDFLOGO1.jpg (40226 bytes)









We are always on the look out for new artists to promote. If you want to become a featured artist on the WEB SITE and appear on our next compilation CD that is sent to over 100 industry A&R representatives all you need to do is get people to click on this site and listen to the music. We count every hit you send us and every time that person listens to a different track on SDF MUSIC you get points. THE MORE POINTS YOU GET THE HIGHER YOU MOVE ON THE TOP TEN. Once you hit number 1 you become a featured artist and then appear on the compilation CD.


If you would like to have your music reviewed by are A & R people and perhaps get your self on this site or even become one of our featured artists then please send an email to:  sdf_music@hotmail.com


You must include in your Email:

Your Real Name

Your Artist Name

The Track Name You Would Like Reviewed

Any Information You Feel Record Companies Would Be Interested In

And A Contact Email Address For Us To Contact You On






As this is a free service we do need you to place the SDF MUSIC Logo on your MP3 site with a link back to our front page, as well as a link to our mp3 page. This MUST be done before we will add you to the site

Please copy this artwork below and link back to: www.sdfmusic.fanspace.com


SDFLOGO1.jpg (40226 bytes)


Please copy this HTML and paste it into your MP3 page


<p align="center"><a href="http://www.sdfmusic.fanspace.com/"><img src="http://www.sdfmusic.fanspace.com/_borders/SDFLOGO1.jpg" width="364" height="151" alt="SDFLOGO1.jpg (40226 bytes)"></a></p>



Send mail to sdf_music@hotmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: September 06, 2000